national average gas prices january 20th 2009

Have gas prices already peaked for 2013? - MSN Autos.
What were gas prices on January 20th 2001 - Wiki Answers.
Sep 16, 2012. While the national average has fallen slightly from $3.873 on the 13th. Back in 2008, gasoline prices were high, but only managed to hit a high of. claim in January that 2012 would likely close with the highest average price ever. ... Joined:Mar 2009 .. 2009. Message Posted: Sep 17, 2012 12:57:20 PM.
Jul 30, 2012. 1) Price of gas (national average) on the day Pres. Obama took office, January 20 , 2009 = $1.84/gallon! [Source: US Energy Information.
2 days ago. Gas Prices: AAA's Fuel Gauge Report | May 20, 2013. May 20th, 2013 by admin. Michael Green Contact Tile ORLANDO, Fl (May 20, 2013) Today's national average price for a ... decline is the largest such mark since October 20, 2009.. $97.94 on January 30 before settling as low as $90.12 on March 4.
national average gas prices january 20th 2009
Gasoline prices poised to spike as wholesale prices jump.
Apr 2, 2013. AAA also reported that the national average for gas prices crested at $3.79 per gallon. The price of gasoline was $1.81 on January 20, 2009.
Jan 21, 2013. "While gasoline prices have seemingly remained virtually unchanged in. The U.S. national average has increased less than a penny over the last week, with .. Joined:Jul 2009. Message Posted: Jan 22, 2013 3:20:56 PM.
Testimony | Testimony by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow.
National Republican Congressional Committee says gas. - PolitiFact.
Gas Price Commentary - AAA NewsRoom.
National average hits highest ever for any September date.
national average gas prices january 20th 2009
Historical Gas Prices in the United States -